Kids Life Studio® Coach Academy
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The 3 Reasons why Kids Life Coaches succeed

Uncategorized Jan 17, 2025

Since establishing the Kids Life Studio® Coach Academy in 2014, it has always been important to equip our students to be able to transfer and apply the theory we teach online, into real-life situations. 

In my experience knowledge is something that anybody can acquire, especially in this age of digital access with answers at our fingertips. But to truly be effective as a Kids Life Coach, it is about how you apply what you have learnt. Most importantly, to apply what you have learnt is about knowing who you are learning from and making sure they know their stuff! Owning the process of acquiring you knowledge and maintaining your lifelong learning is about discerning the white noise from what actually matters when it comes to coaching children! 

"Theory without practice is just as incomplete as practice without theory!  If you leave your personal and professional growth as a Kids Life Coach to randomness, you’ll forever be chained to mediocrity."

The reason why so many heart centred professionals don't succeed financially in their career as a Kids Life Coach is that they are not strategic about accelerating their personal and professional growth.  My wish for you is to not only impact on children's lives positively, but also to earn an income doing what you love!

I've found there are 3 reasons why people don't succeed financially as Kids Life Coaches once certified:

1. Lack of a knowledgeable mentor.

2. Lack of personal accountability. 

3. Lack of a supportive community.

I have walked this road myself so I know what it feels like to learn things from scratch and to adapt to a new way of thinking and doing things. Our Level 1 Introduction to Kids Life Coaching and Level 2 Kids Life Coaching Theory  training provide scaffolded learning in preparation for enrolment into our Level 3 Kids Life Coach Certification  This is only the beginning because I believe that phased learning allows you to establish a solid foundation to build onto as a Kids Life Coach who wants to build a meaningful career. 

However even after all of your hard work participating in our intensive training, none of your learning will evolve if you fail to apply your knowledge and engage in continuous skills development and professional supervision.  If you want to succeed:

1. Engage in professional supervision from an established professional who has been coaching themselves for a minimum of five years.

2. Find a mentor or a peer to hold you accountable or join a professional membership.  

3. Join a supportive community who share your vision for supporting children. 

I urge you to stop trying to struggle figuring things out alone! If you want to succeed, it will take more than a certification training to get you there. It will take reflection, introspection and engagement with a like minded community along with obtaining ongoing professional supervision from a knowledgeable mentor. 

We take you seriously because your success is dependent on the success of the children you coach! So hop on board and succeed so children can follow your lead!

Sending lots of love and zeal your way!



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