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The 3 reasons intuition over intellect works when choosing a Kids Life Coach Training provider

Uncategorized Apr 17, 2024
It was mid 2020, during the peak of the pandemic lockdown for us in England that I wrote a blog on the 8 things to ask when choosing a Kids Life Coach Training provider. We were in the midst of a global storm in a teacup that would forever change the way we interact, connect, show up, live and dream.
It was at this same time that I was inundated with passionate children's change makers approaching my organisation Kids Life Studio® to ask how they can become certified kids life coaches so that they could be part of the wellbeing solution needed for children. I admired their tenacity, willingness to learn and the way they really stepped up and took determined action. 
More importantly at around the same time, our influx of parents looking for support increased exponentially leading to our global team shifting to include online coaching as part of our services.
Since I started coaching children in 2003, I have been riding the waves and trends of what's hot and what's not! I have tried to stay ahead of the curve by remaining informed in how I show up as a children's change maker. I wasn't convinced by the online coaching idea....but we simply had no choice at the time!
We didn't just pick up momentum during Covid, we picked up speed....we increased our reach and we increased our visibility. Good news for us as service providers, but a sign that the world was in real trouble and the predictions made by the World Health Organisation (WHO) that I had been speaking about for decades came to fruition...That by 2020, 50% of the world's children would struggle with mental health issues. 
Luckily for us, we didn't need to modify much, because our Play Based Coaching® system offers a tried and tested approach that is based on the fundamentals of neuroscience and psychology. Alongside this foundation, we offer a comprehensive trauma informed coaching curriculum that can be used in its entirety as or it is completely adaptable. So it worked perfectly before, during and after the pandemic. 
With so many new kids life coach training providers now available due to demand, I was recently asked again....what sets Kids Life Studio® apart? Why should I train with your organisation if XYZ offers the same thing and is cheaper?
Great question, but not one that is easy to answer. So I told them this. Using your intellectual mind is important because it helps you to verify credibility and track record but there are 3 reasons that intuition is more important when choosing a service provider:
  1. When you tap in to your intuition, you can tell in your heart if something is a good fit for you. No amount of slick marketing, window dressing or accreditation badges can hide when something doesn't feel right.  When you do your due diligence and you feel comfortable that you are in good hands, you will know if you are making the right decision. Trust your heart to guide you.
  2. All of us are here for a purpose. Mine looks different to yours and we are all uniquely gifted to be of service to humanity. If your intellect is seeking out a recipe for success, remind yourself that no recipe is ever fool proof. It relies on you trusting the process and using your own innate wisdom, talents and knowledge to show up as a world-class kids life coach. I had no formal life coach training yet I managed to figure it out over many many years. So can you - without Kids Life Studio®! The fact is intuition allows you to trust that when you step through the door with us, there is help at hand to fast track you. This alleviates the guess work and gives you permission to do what you do best and that is be in flow!
  3. Working with children isn't just about having a curriculum that works or professional supervision to support your learning. It is more than that. There is a very strong spiritual aspect that cannot be found in the intellect. Coaching children is a calling - and it is not for everybody. Some people have never worked with children formally yet they intuitively feel called to do so. No amount of intellectual reasoning can explain that. Sometimes you need to trust in a higher power that always has good intentions in play. Children need coaches who walk the walk and talk the talk and we are specialists in getting you to do just that. 
Intellectually, whilst I have two years of a doctorate in Psychiatry under the belt, a Masters Degree in Clinical Child Psychology, lectured at University, experience as a special needs teacher and school counsellor none of this actually matters in the greater scheme of things. 
What really matters is how committed I am to my original vision and how I am working towards my purpose on this planet. To create the largest global network of world-class Kids Life Coaches. What I didn't factor in was that this is not quantifiable nor measurable....
There is one thing that none of us should ever ignore....even if we ask all of the right intellectual questions and we get all of the answers we want to hear....our 'gut feel' and 'intuition' will always know the right answers.
Coaching children is about learning more than what the textbook says. it is about trusting our inner voice...and taking action on what feels right! None of us need to be in this  alone and it takes our collective actions together in different parts of the world to be part of the solution to the global epidemic of problems we are seeing in children. "A single leaf alone provides no shade." 
May your intuition trump your intellect as you step into your purpose and power! Wishing you well as a change maker for children.  
Regards with Zeal,
Kids Life Studio & Kids Life Coach Academy Founder 

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